The Impact of Climate Change and Wildlife Loss
The impact of climate change on biodiversity is already obvious, but the impacts of further climate changes could be even more drastic. In many parts of the world, species have high species richness and are sensitive to even small changes in climate. The current climate is already altering their environment so fast that species may not be able to adjust to the changes in time. Changing climate also threatens species’ ability to move to new habitats. As a result, wildlife conservation will face the most pressing challenges since the emergence of man.
Researchers are also concerned about the spread of diseases. Hendra virus was first found in a Brisbane suburb in 1994 and has a fifty to seventy percent mortality rate. If climate change continues to worsen the current conditions, flying foxes could expand their geographic ranges and become more prone to disease spillovers. These diseases could even be transmitted to humans by 2070. Scientists are looking into how climate change and human land use change affect animals’ health.
As a result of climate change, the Arctic region will undergo major changes, such as melting permafrost and tundra. This may result in a dramatic decrease in sea ice, which will affect many species dependent on it. Several species of seabirds, including the arctic tern, polar bear, and Pacific walrus, may become extinct. While the climate crisis will change temperatures, precipitation, and sea levels, it will also affect the habitats of these species.
The impact of climate change on wildlife is a pressing issue in Canada. Despite the numerous benefits that habitat restoration brings, the impact on the environment will increase over time, especially when we consider the benefits of planting more trees. Besides being good for the environment, plants also help us in addressing the climate crisis. Therefore, we should continue to invest in wildlife habitat restoration in Canada. You can subscribe to Fieldnotes today and receive future issues through email.
A recent study by the Wildlife Trusts has revealed that the impact of climate change on wildlife is so profound that it could lead to a rapid extinction of many vulnerable species. As a result, it is vital to ensure that children are exposed to climate solutions in a holistic way. Wildlife education is a key component of the 21st century’s curriculum. The Wildlife Trusts is also working to see these changes in school curriculums.
In addition to habitat changes, climate change also threatens species’ survival. Polar bears, for instance, may no longer have a place to hunt. Also, the melting of the Arctic ice will affect populations of many other cold-water species. In addition, rising ocean temperatures are responsible for massive coral bleaching. Coral bleaching can lead to the collapse of coral ecosystems. Corals need the nutrients and oxygen provided by colorful algae to survive. Without replacement algae, the corals will die.
There is a strong correlation between climate change and species’ distributional ranges. In Canada, for example, many species have increased their northern ranges by more than 100 km per decade, and anthropogenic climate change is altering the climate and phenology of these populations at a faster rate than in other parts of the world. Because of this, species are responding to changes in climate and habitats according to their niche requirements and their capacities.