Spray foam insulation is a powerful barrier that restricts the flow of heat in and out of the home or building. It reaches every corner, nook, and cranny for complete protection against air movement, which helps keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer. It is a superior insulator to traditional fiberglass and cellulose and is very cost effective.
In many cases, spray foam can last decades without needing to be replaced. However, like any insulator, it can lose some of its effectiveness over time, particularly in extreme climates. The good news is that you can minimize the risk of a spray foam product losing its insulating power by selecting a reputable installer. Specifically, look for installers certified by the manufacturer to install their products.
Common Misconceptions About Spray Foam Insulation Addressed by TMC Spray Foam and Coatings
Using a rig with specialized technology that constantly monitors the quality of the product being applied, spray foam contractors are able to ensure the product is mixed and sprayed correctly for optimum results. In addition to ensuring proper installation, this technology can help reduce the exposure of installers to harmful chemicals such as isocyanates.
The use of isocyanates can cause irritation to the eyes, gastrointestinal system and respiratory tract, and may trigger asthma symptoms. However, these risks are greatly reduced with newer generation spray foam, which is less prone to shrinkage and requires a much shorter cure time. The sensitivity to isocyanates has also been reduced with advancements in blowing agents used to help the foam expand.
TMC Spray Foam and Coatings
14920 State Hwy 8 Titusville PA 16354
(814) 720-2789