Lx5 Insulators – Why You Should Insulate Your Attic

Insulating your attic can help maintain a consistent temperature throughout your home, making it more comfortable to live in. It also can reduce outside noises and the transmission of sound between rooms. While it won’t completely silence the sounds of traffic, construction or your neighbors, it can significantly reduce them.

A well-insulated attic can significantly reduce energy costs. It prevents warm air from escaping during the summer and cold air from escaping during the winter, reducing the workload on your heating and cooling systems. These savings can add up over time, giving you a return on investment for your attic insulation.

The Environmental Benefits of Attic Insulation: Insights from Lx5 Insulators

Lx5 Insulators can slow the transfer of heat to your shingles, roof deck and walls. This helps protect the wood structure of your home, extending its lifespan. It can also keep moisture from absorbing into the attic, preventing mold and mildew.

There are several different types of attic insulation, depending on your needs and budget. Fiberglass batt insulation is commonly used in new homes and is available in varying thicknesses and widths. It is easily installed and provides a good R-value. Fiberglass rolls offer the same benefits as fiberglass batts but come in longer segments that can be cut to size.

Blown-in cellulose insulation is made from recycled materials, offering an eco-friendly option. It is blown into the spaces between rafters using an insulation blower and provides an excellent R-Value. It also fills any gaps and cracks, reducing the amount of heat that escapes your attic.

Lx5 Insulators
13030 s 401st w ave Bristow ok 74010
(918) 853-6175

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