Climate Change in Paris

Climate Change Paris Should Be Used to Boost Action in the Home Countries

climate change paris

Climate change Paris should be used to bolster action in the home countries. The agreement needs to address financing and technological support for developing countries to reduce emissions. Rich countries are either keeping their heads down or trying to backtrack. The Paris agreement fails to address these issues. While good politicians will use the Paris agreement to motivate action in their own countries, bad politicians will use it as an opportunity to gain publicity and do nothing. Climate agreements do work when massive pressure is applied.

Article 7 on adaptation

The Paris Agreement calls on the Parties to promote and support efforts in all areas of adaptation to climate change, including in the form of financial assistance, and to ensure that their efforts are documented in the UNFCCC registry. To facilitate this process, the Parties recognize that they face increased adaptation needs despite their efforts to mitigate climate change, and they acknowledge that greater mitigation levels can reduce the need for additional adaptation efforts. At the same time, greater adaptation needs imply greater costs.

In addition, the Agreement includes a global goal for adaptation, which aims to improve countries’ adaptive capacity and build their resilience to climate change, contribute to sustainable development and ensure adequate response to climate change. The goal is closely linked to the Paris Agreement’s other goals, including the need to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, Parties have agreed to support and facilitate adaptation efforts, which should include a balance of resources and time.

Article 6 on mitigation

An obscure part of the Paris Agreement is Article 6, which governs the trade of emissions reductions between countries. The Article could make or break the Paris Agreement, as it could allow the world’s biggest emitters to offload their responsibility by trading fictional emission reductions. This would be a glaring failure of the Paris regime. So, it must be passed to ensure that the agreement remains credible. Here are a few of its key features.

First, Article 6.1 sets the tone for the rest of the text. It emphasizes that voluntary cooperation is needed in order to achieve mitigation and adaptation targets. While this approach is controversial, it has the potential to encourage more ambitious actions by countries. This is because voluntary cooperation should promote sustainable development and environmental integrity, which means the actions should be beneficial to the atmosphere. But the future of Article 6 depends on the way the Paris Agreement is drafted and implemented.

Article 7 on finance

The United States is committed to developing a comprehensive climate change policy that marshals the capital, creativity, and courage of American citizens and companies. By supporting climate-resilient development, we help our communities and economies adapt to this rapidly changing global environment and create a brighter future. Our climate policy bolsters U.S. competitiveness and creates new, well-paying jobs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The G-7 recently agreed to provide $100 billion per year by 2020 to poorer nations who are facing the brunt of climate-related risks from rising seas, droughts, and storms. Unfortunately, Britain was forced to postpone COP26, and despite a surprisingly positive outcome, the summit didn’t reach its climate finance target. The G-7 said that 2021 would be a pivotal year for the planet, urging developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to less than 1.5 percent of global GDP.

Loss and damage finance was originally defined as “the inevitable consequences of climate change.” However, the term has gotten somewhat controversial, and developed countries try to keep it close to the concept of adaptation and say that specific loss and damage finance isn’t necessary. Fortunately, the Paris Agreement separated the two in Article 7.

Article 8 on technology transfer

The 2015 Paris Agreement contains several instances of subtle differentiation, with most of them involving adaptation finance and capacity building. The preamble and Article 13 of the Agreement also make subtle distinctions. However, the Paris Agreement does not mention Africa, as the Convention does. In fact, the Paris Agreement explicitly refers to LDCs and SIDS as ‘other non-developed countries’ (NDCs), with a few other nuances.

The underlying issue is whether the Paris Agreement will impose stricter rules on the transfer of technology to developing nations. Some countries, such as Brazil, have raised concerns over this point. The EU, on the other hand, says that host nations do not need to make corresponding adjustments after selling carbon credits. Because of the ambiguity surrounding Article 6.4, some countries are pushing for double-counting. While the UNFCCC has not provided a clear answer to the double-counting issue, it has been the basis for many negotiations.

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